Allena Fleming Allena Fleming

Design to Define: Revealing the Paradox

Characterizing equity issues as a paradox allows the nature and form of the phenomena change. Revealing paradoxes and contradictions allows us to begin to design equitable experiences that make the lines of the paradoxes visible, not to other people, but to holders themselves.

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Allena Fleming Allena Fleming

How Not to be Colonizers in the Metaverse

The route to avoiding colonizing the Metaverse must be centered on exploration, imagination, and new ways of being. How can we collectively ensure that we create a more inclusive and loving social order in the Metaverse?

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Allena Fleming Allena Fleming

How the Black Next Story Creates Schools for the Future

All public spaces, especially schools and places of learning, need to reemerge as public healing spaces. As we emerge from the pandemic, public lynchings, and gun violence, we need to remember that there is still a great need for schools to become places where a multiethnic, multiracial, multigenerational democracy is taught and modeled in practice.

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Allena Fleming Allena Fleming

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, It Will Be Played

228 Accelerator collaborated with founder of House of Legends, Andre Zarate, to create a series of banned book readings in the Metaverse. The goal is to provide a safe space for people to read, appreciate, exist, and love banned books, an act of resistance that honors LGBTQ+ identities as human.

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Caroline Hill Caroline Hill

Equity, Independence, and Web 3.0

Designs for equity must be designed equitably. Explore how the Metaverse and Web 3.0 technologies can play an instrumental role in prototyping new relationships that help us learn more about the requisites needed to scale and design equitable systems.

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Caroline Hill Caroline Hill

The New EquityXdesign Framework: Part One

EquityXdesign, our framework for re-designing systems that foster racism and inequality, was published approximately 2 weeks after the 2016 election at a time when the equity discourse in the education ecosystem was taking center stage.

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Caroline Hill Caroline Hill

Healing While Black and White, Part II: Writing the Next Story

“Oh, this is not just about work.” The proliferation of race and equity training in the workplace has created the opportunity to see the lines that govern our private lives in public. But when the commitment to equity work is not just about professional development but getting better at the personal job of becoming a better human, the relationship between the powerful and the powerless holds the greatest potential for change. This is the foundation of a love ethic.

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Caroline Hill Caroline Hill

Healing While Black and White: Part One

To honor the last day of Black History Month and the beginning of Women’s History Month, we are publicly sharing a moving conversation between two women—one black, and one white.

With their permission and care, these two women, Courtney Bell and Angela Bond, tell the story of how they became each other’s “people”—experiencing a sense of belonging to one another. Their bond has created a becoming in their personal lives, as well the life of their shared organization.

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Allena Fleming Allena Fleming

We’ve Designed a New Style of Virtual Learning: the Xdesign Experience

We’re excited to introduce our newest offering, the Xdesign Experience: Accountability in Reconciliation. Unlike our courses, which are self-paced, this new experience is a hybrid online course that combines audio playlists, weekly Hatha yoga classes, and live monthly design sessions to create a more immersive learning journey.

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Caroline Hill Caroline Hill

Case Study: KIPP Metro Atlanta, Atlanta Georgia

While COVID-19 shaped our lives in the foreground, 2020 reminded us of another chronic pandemic—white supremacy—and its impact on our relationships.

We need to look at the schools and leaders that are using an equitable design lens to respond to the impact of both pandemics, and study how they have impacted the student and family experience. 

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Alli Wachtel Alli Wachtel

Black Next-Story Month

The stories of the past are important. They remind us of our superhuman capacities to transcend our limits in the face of insurmountable obstacles. These stories feed us a healing soup of triumph, self determination, greatness, and brilliance. We retell stories of our humanity; an important practice in a society designed to dehumanize.

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Alli Wachtel Alli Wachtel

Staying Grounded and Designing for the Future

Today, as our coalition grows and becomes more diverse, we need new roadmaps and tools that are grounded in the wisdom of the past, that are oriented toward a radically inclusive future, and that keep us focused, informed, action-oriented, and courageous during this time. Read more and download a tool to help you continue to Speak the Future and Design the Future in your thoughts, designs, and actions.

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