The Liberation Library

The Liberation Library is living repository that amplifies voices and experiences often marginalized in traditional settings. This library results from a groundbreaking collaboration between high school seniors and former school leaders. The primary objective of this resource is to enhance our collective literacy in various dimensions of human experience—racial, cultural, socioeconomic, and more.

By doing so, we can design environments and curricula that honor the richness of identities and foster a culture of equity and justice.

This month feature’s a speech given by Angela Davis at UCLA in 1974. Davis discusses the involvement of black women in resistance struggles, mentioning figures like Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. She highlights the disproportionate burden carried by black women in families and their participation in slave uprisings. Davis also acknowledges the contributions and oppression faced by women of color worldwide, mentioning various examples such as Winnie Mandela, women in South Africa, and women in Latin America.

It is designed as an interactive learning space to cultivate a deeper understanding of our multifaceted histories and identities. By engaging with this rich collection of resources, we are empowered to design experiences that are not only diverse but deeply inclusive. Ready to learn?