Welcome to the Leading Edge of Equity


228 Accelerator offers trainings, community, and more for educators, K-12 explorers, edge finders, and leaders who wish to become agents of equity.

We design and facilitate custom, personalized, and tech-enabled solutions to heal and empower learning communities.

~Design Boldly~

~Build Inclusively~

~Dream Expansively ~

~Design Boldly~ ~Build Inclusively~ ~Dream Expansively ~


Explore our equityXdesign framework to discover the leading edge in equity work.


Learn how to push the edge of equity work with our 3 design challenges,


Join our community to participate in ongoing dialogue, events, trainings, and more.


The equityXdesign Learning Studio

Learn language to talk about race, equity, innovation, and design.

Gain access to the equityXdesign Community, a professional learning experience.

These learning studios consist of 3 different facilitated and/or self-paced courses that progress on one another.

100% online.


The Solo Journey

Gain access to 228 Accelerator’s Resource Library, targeted courses, and banned book readings.

Choose a subscription level that fits your needs. 100% online. 

Join a community of like-minded equity designers.

Explore how experiences of oppression have impacted you and gain the skills needed to keep our schools open, free, and welcoming of all bodies. 

What Our Clients Have to Say

“The 228 Accelerator team has supported our teachers and principals to engage in meaningful learning around identity, historical context, and design thinking.”

Lauren Overton, Principal
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“The Design Achievement at the Margins course offered a needed pause moment for my own and our organization’s thinking about better serving those at the margins… The content and readings in the course broadened my understanding of racial equity and inequity in public schooling, and the incisive prompts left me no choice but to step back and rethink many assumptions I have about my work in education.

Matt Thompson
New Tech Network


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